Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Phase 2 Day 1

I woke up with the mindset that I am ready to do this!!

I am pretty hungry though, I'm not gonna lie. I have an apple in my mini crockpot and I am going to have it as applesauce in a little bit. I added a bit of water and cinnamon. I may also sweeten it with Stevia.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Loading Days! (Day 1 and 2)

I never thought I'd be able to give myself an injection . . . but I overcame my fear and I did it today and yesterday!

This is day 2 of Phase 1 (Loading). So far, so good. I didn't really think I'd have a hard time loading. It's like a dream come true. LOL. I HAVE to eat cheese sticks & quiche. ;-)

It is a little harder than I thought though because I feel full and not very good. I'm excited to start Phase 2 tomorrow!